The therapeutic edge...
Looking at the body as a whole and not just the sum of its parts enables a truly wholistic approach.
Richard Smith, our head manual therapist has extensive practical training in sports medicine and human performance. His academic training was undertaken in England and America and he holds a practical award from British College of Osteopathic Medicine. During the last 15 years he has had the privileged experience of working with elite athletes from Europe, the Americas and Africa.
Recover Fast is dedicated to delivering a system that is at the cutting edge of sports medicine. Using protocols learned from working in high performance settings, Richard created the FAST method; when applied, common injuries become a thing of the past.
Recover Fast provides a formidable team, making the most rapid results possible. By using state-of-the-art therapeutic equipment, the latest in manual therapy techniques and years of academic and practical training, we achieve fast and safe treatment outcomes.

Let’s Take The First Step Today
We work with you to relieve your pain and recover you to your best. We harness our knowledge, expertise and equipment for the safest, fastest and most effective treatment outcomes.
Get in TouchBasically... awesome for the first time in years!
Adele Andersen
Fitness Guru, Author and all-round badass
Last Thursday I ended up in unplanned emergency physio with Richard Smith, because of a very painful feets issue. I always have some form of issue with my feets/ankles but this was acute.
After much prodding and stretching and a week of hideous contrast therapy, my feets were, to my great surprise, basically awesome for maybe the first time in years - acute condition notwithstanding. I was thinking bone spur. But no aches and pains, which is really new.
Richard gave me his APRWave therapy - yeah, foot in bucket of water with electrical current 😅 - and now the way I use my feet is completely different. Immediately and unconsciously I had improved squat and lunge technique and balance.
I am shocked, and delighted. I’m curious how long the change will stick, and whether I can teach high impact again by Saturday, but from just my experience tonight, this therapy is a hell of a shortcut to pain reduction and modifying adapted muscular behaviour.