Helping you be the best you can be.

We are here to provide you with all the tools you need to be at the peak of your health and wellbeing.

Our specialist training will guide you in applying simple methods to train harder and recover faster!

Click the link below and book a free 15 minute online consultation. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Understand your body, whatever your level.

My name is Richard Smith. As an Osteopathic Physician, I look at the whole you and value your innate ability to recover. You are not your diagnosis. You are not your MRI. You are not defined by your sport. You are UNIQUE.

We have the power to effect change in our bodies. We have the power to relieve pain, prevent injury and optimize movement. I will provide you with all the tools to unlock your body’s true potential.

Basically... awesome for the first time in years!

Adele Andersen

Fitness Guru, Author and all-round badass

Last Thursday I ended up in unplanned emergency physio with Richard Smith, because of a very painful feets issue. I always have some form of issue with my feets/ankles but this was acute.
After much prodding and stretching and a week of hideous contrast therapy, my feets were, to my great surprise, basically awesome for maybe the first time in years - acute condition notwithstanding. I was thinking bone spur. But no aches and pains, which is really new.
Richard gave me his APRWave therapy - yeah, foot in bucket of water with electrical current 😅 - and now the way I use my feet is completely different. Immediately and unconsciously I had improved squat and lunge technique and balance.
I am shocked, and delighted. I’m curious how long the change will stick, and whether I can teach high impact again by Saturday, but from just my experience tonight, this therapy is a hell of a shortcut to pain reduction and modifying adapted muscular behaviour.

We’ve worked with some great people, including: