Neurotherapy – ARPWAVE™.

To achieve the fastest, safest and most effective recovery we use a blend of therapeutic exercise and, where necessary, match this with cutting edge rehabilitation training devices.

ARPwave™ Rx100 neuromuscular stimulator

ARPwave™ Rx100 (Accelerated Recovery Performance) is a patented direct current neuromuscular stimulation unit. Recover Fast licenses the use of the ARPwave™ with a comprehensive series of unique therapy and physical training protocols, devised specifically to maximise recovery from training or injury.

The Recover Fast system uses the ARPwave™, simultaneously with active range-of-motion and other exercise techniques, to significantly speed up the body's natural recuperative ability. The system will also prevent muscle-related injury and greatly improve human performance at all levels.

Direct current (DC) has been shown to affect cellular migration and orientation, endothelialization, protein synthesis, and calcium regulation, as well as stimulation of new bone formation and fracture healing. The scientific basis for (DC) is the positive cellular effects of direct current electrical fields on these processes.

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ARPwave™ POV Sport neuromuscular stimulator

ARPwave™ POV Sport is a patented direct current neuromuscular stimulation unit devised specifically to maximise training efficiency.

ARPwave™ POV Sport allows the neuromuscular system to respond more efficiently to work enabling incredible strengthening and recovery abilities. These protocols allow the user to gain greater physical results in shorter periods of time.

The ARPwave™ POV Sport is the ultimate performance enhancement tool.

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ARPwave™ PRS Personal Recovery System

ARPwave™ PRS Personal Recovery System is a wearable neuromuscular stimulation device.

The various types of work that the PRS can impose on the stimulated muscles are able to improve or facilitate muscle performance. These protocols can be applied during exercise to prevent pain and enhance your ability to conduct activities of daily living.

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Basically... awesome for the first time in years!

Adele Andersen

Fitness Guru, Author and all-round badass

Last Thursday I ended up in unplanned emergency physio with Richard Smith, because of a very painful feets issue. I always have some form of issue with my feets/ankles but this was acute.
After much prodding and stretching and a week of hideous contrast therapy, my feets were, to my great surprise, basically awesome for maybe the first time in years - acute condition notwithstanding. I was thinking bone spur. But no aches and pains, which is really new.
Richard gave me his APRWave therapy - yeah, foot in bucket of water with electrical current 😅 - and now the way I use my feet is completely different. Immediately and unconsciously I had improved squat and lunge technique and balance.
I am shocked, and delighted. I’m curious how long the change will stick, and whether I can teach high impact again by Saturday, but from just my experience tonight, this therapy is a hell of a shortcut to pain reduction and modifying adapted muscular behaviour.

We’ve worked with some great people, including: