Train Me.

Virtual Coaching

Have a specific goal or event you are training for? Here are all the tools, all the exercises, all the life and bio-hacks put together to help you achieve whatever you are training for. I guide you every step of the way with bespoke plans designed specifically for your goals. Let’s start training!

Monthly virtual coaching subscription with associated strength, flexibility and conditioning exercises in a plan based on your preferences, ability, time and goals.

Bi Monthly Check ins via Video or Voice call

> Video tutorial of each exercise
> Activity tracking
> Progress tracking
> Daily healthy habits suggestions
> In app messaging service

Included with every program on the Recover Fast App are tools to help you in your health and fitness journey:

> Free Flexibility Program (Mobility exercises for the whole body)
> Free Myofascial Release Program (Foam roller self massage)
> Fitness Myths PDF
> Exercise Nutrition PDF
> Guided Meditation Instructions PDF
> Nutrition Bar Code scanner
> Apple Watch integration
> Fit Bit integration
> My Fitness Pal integration
> In app messaging service

Available to download from the app store of your choice. Terms and conditions apply.

Book This Course Today

Basically... awesome for the first time in years!

Adele Andersen

Fitness Guru, Author and all-round badass

Last Thursday I ended up in unplanned emergency physio with Richard Smith, because of a very painful feets issue. I always have some form of issue with my feets/ankles but this was acute.
After much prodding and stretching and a week of hideous contrast therapy, my feets were, to my great surprise, basically awesome for maybe the first time in years - acute condition notwithstanding. I was thinking bone spur. But no aches and pains, which is really new.
Richard gave me his APRWave therapy - yeah, foot in bucket of water with electrical current 😅 - and now the way I use my feet is completely different. Immediately and unconsciously I had improved squat and lunge technique and balance.
I am shocked, and delighted. I’m curious how long the change will stick, and whether I can teach high impact again by Saturday, but from just my experience tonight, this therapy is a hell of a shortcut to pain reduction and modifying adapted muscular behaviour.

We’ve worked with some great people, including: